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My Story

Think   Feel   Breathe   Move

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My journey began...

As a personal trainer and a nutritional wellness coach in the early 2000’s. My passion had come from the fact that I had an eating disorder at the age of 15-25 and I learned simply for my own knowledge and then I realized this was what I wanted to do with my life and how I wanted to help people. I started out just training a few clients and then this immediately skyrocketed to having to do duos, then groups, then having to do larger outdoor bootcamps as well. I started at two classes a week and within a year we were at a demand of 22 classes per week. During the 2008 crash, when trainers were losing all their income, I pivoted my business to small groups and bootcamps and I became one of the top names in Fitness in California. I revolutionized the fitness space with my small group training techniques and started garnering attention all over the world. Through these two internationally recognized multiple six figure businesses, she created fitness programs that helped not hundreds, but thousands change their body and their entire life. My company spanned 3 cities in the Santa Barbara area as well as had online programs, and I also had a staff of about 15 to 20 instructors and interns at any given time along with a full PR and Marketing team. There was always lots going on! Due to the skyrocket of my business I was also highly sought out for business and marketing consulting and have worked on many projects and businesses since.

Back then, I didn't recognize my life as my own...

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I was on the cover of newspapers every other week, I  even endured being stalked, getting deathreats over blog recipes not being cited properly (yes this happened) and even sued for violating civil rights because she had womens workouts ( which I won btw ) It was an unreal life most days!  After the international attention set in from the incredibly dramatic before and afters that had become huge all over social media, Stacey also began to be approached by producers for a reality show especially for her work in the area of bikini fitness competitions. When social media took off people were stealing my clients before and afters and I had to even send cease and desists. There was so much attention coming our way that they thought doing a show was the next logical step. But in that world all they wanted was the drama and chaos. While I initially said yes..this was when my life had gotten completely out of hand and the beginning of the end for me occurred. Starting to film for multiple productions I completely shut down, my nervous system couldn't hold it all. There was so much of my own trauma that I wasn't facing and I had to. I realized I had to walk away from it all but I didn't know how. So I slowly planned to exit over the course of a year not telling anyone what the plan was.

Having so much attention and being in the public eye so much really brought out that I had not faced any of my own trauma. I had been working starting at  4am until 10pm at night and all weekends especially if we have shows. I started to not even be able to get out of bed. I halted all marketing, got through one of our biggest benefits, and a big global show and then I slowly exited the business without many knowing what was happening. I woke up to the fact that work was simply my drug of choice to avoid all the trauma, chronic pain, and illness that was starting to seep into my body. I was even at this point beginning to experience what was called dissociative seizures from a sexual assault that occurred in my mid 20’s that I hadnt done any healing work around. Not many in Santa Barbara knew this was the largest reason I was leaving. I had decided to move to LA and start my healing process. My health was so chronically poor at this time, I was riddled with injuries. Not only from my long hours emotionally and mentally, I had also overworked my literal body from my own competitions, I had won my competitions but I had gotten down to 95 lbs at my lowest! I was also an amateur boxer who spent 4+ hours a day boxing training and jump rope training. While I loved boxing more than anything, the competitions coupled with the boxing and the long hours took such a toll on my body. 

A dear girlfriend who was a past client had started doing Yoga Therapy with me in a pool and it was starting to help slowly but surely. I was on the mend. It got me interested in healing through Yoga. So my first idea in LA was to get more into Mindfulness and Yoga…so I became a Meditation Teacher and a Yoga Instructor. I had tried all the traditional Doctors and Therapists of course, and I can only speak from my own experience that the only thing that helped me was EMDR with an amazing practitioner. Coaches, yoga, healers, somatic healing, trauma work, meditation..these were the things that helped me the most. All the other Doctors just didn't know, or wanted to medicate with anti psychotics ( which is TERRIFYING ). Thank god I knew immediately no...that wasn't me…I knew the answer was in working with the trauma on a very wide holistic scale and introducing somatics to help the body. I became a complete Neuroscience and Neurophysiology nerd and learned all things trauma and the brain to start unwinding all the chaos in my body. My journey led me to Loyola Marymount where I took two years of their Clinical 4 year Yoga Therapy program and it was just incredible. As I dove further into my education I realized I was entering this Alice In Wonderland Rabbit Hole that is the BILLION dollar “quick fix” healing journey. I took my journey so seriously…yet I was open to all…and being open to all can take you down some paths that you really wish you hadn't seen. It can be so traumatizing as a seeker…whether seeking for help physically or even spiritually…there's always going to be some flashy program. And let me tell you I paid for them all! I’ve navigated this industry completely all the way to its underbelly and I know it's going to allow me to serve my clients on the highest level..because the truth is YOU heal you. Bottom line.

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 So in my endless loop of still trying to find answers and educate myself I was still working as a high end trainer and yoga therapist for A listers, Royalty, and Celebrities in the LA area.. I wanted to keep moving forward in my career, but I wanted to get far away from anything “fitness competitions” as I could. SO I got into working with kids and Seniors as a fun break. I was always a youth fitness educator but now I took two extensive trainings to teach yoga to in more academic settings and one more in community settings. I became a trauma informed youth educator and began to also work with families in the area of mindfulness, fitness, and yoga. I created a program that was a blend of fitness and yoga and even taught it at various studios in the Los Angeles area and even had a mommy and me version. I also created a company called Project GLOW for a brief time ( GIRLS LEARNING OVERALL WELLNESS ) where we taught them mindfulness, communication, confidence, movement, and healthy nutrition. After working with thousands of starts in the area of weight loss I truly came to understand this journey was always an emotional one, and one that started early on as a childs subconscious mind starts forming. I wanted to start at the root.

 I had done so much mainstream coaching I really wanted to study and serve more our youth and our elderly. Focusing on the beginning and later stages of physical and emotional development. After I did the two years at LMU with Yoga Therapy I began to work in more clinical settings alongside Drs which I loved, I specialized in helping  people with severe chronic conditions and injuries. I also had a large senior clientele within my business, my oldest being 97 Judge Wapner where we focused on simply manual movement to keep him comfortable and healthy and tend to his Bells Palsy. When I worked with kids and seniors this was some of the most rewarding work I did. I had entered the LA scene and had worked at all the A list yoga studios with the Kardashians and all the celebs, trained international royalty at hotels, traveled to the 15 million dollar homes on the Malibu coast… but it was this new deep work that warmed my heart. So much so I began working with kids with disabilities and also at Private Rehab facilities for those recovering from alcohol or drug abuse. I would go in and teach yoga and meditation and it was some of the most heart warming work of my life. That community is so misunderstood. So much of the reason they are there is true physical pain management that led them to drugs. I took my education further  becoming certified in bodywork and soft tissue assessment and deepened my studies in fascia work. I attended almost every conference, seminar and webinar there was on fascia on how this relates to how trauma can get stuck physically and energetically in the body. Fascial release in general is still a widely underused, misunderstood modality that has the ability to heal beyond our wildest dreams, which is why I still keep it in my programs. 


Here is where I circled back to focus a bit more about the academics. I knew at this point what was working for me and what wasn't. I was beginning to heal my seizures through my own techniques and with the help of coaches. For me it was more coaches than therapists that allowed the biggest breakthroughs for me. That was just my own experience. I will always refer out to a therapist if I feel a client isn't right for me or needs more in depth help. But when I started to heal, I realized I was ready to begin to help people in this area and I wanted to have an in depth coaching program created just for Trauma. So I joined the International Association of Trauma Recoverys 6 month coaching to become accredited to do recovery coaching. While I know nothing is more important than our life experience and coming out on the other side. I wanted to be in deep integrity with this space and learn even more. I always will be learning more. I also studied with Irene Lyons in the area of Somatic Experiencing and she studied directly with Peter Levine who is considered the Father of Somatic Experiencing. I weave in Somatic Education to all that I do. Having started primarily with the body I find it gives me a great base from which to pull from when helping others through Somatic Embodiment.


When I started to feel I was healed from the seizures I started to do more non profit work with Peace Over Violence as a Violence Prevention Specialist and a Speaker telling my story through Voices over Violence. This is when I also created a social impact movement called I AM A Lighthouse helping women healing from sexual assault, which you can read more about on the Lighhouse tab. I started to become a sought after coach and speaker in the area of healing sexual trauma. I am devoted to making a difference in this area and it fuels alot of the work I do. 

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Wanting to understand my own energy system deeper and just exactly how much our subtle body energetic field plays a part in our healing. I decided to learn more about Energy Healing. I had completely rid myself of my seizures at this point and had quite a regulated system and could even coregulate with others and the masculine quite easy. I felt the next step was energy healing as I had gifts moving through me that were the next layer.

I did a year long Shamanic Ceremony Facilitator Training studying under leaders like Dr. Sada Simran who then led me to David Elliots active release Breathwork and took courses with him. Breathwork soon became my favorite modality to help others move stuck energy. I’ve trained with many teachers concerning Energy Healing and Quantum Healing techniques, such as Garz Chan who is truly a Master Healer of all things. It was a great honor to get her reflections and study underneath her. It's incredibly important to me to honor my teachers, I simply wouldn't be where I am without them. I also studied with a mentor Lisa Nilsen for 7 years concerning my own shadow work and healing journey which is so crucial in this area. As a quide you have an obligation to continually be doing your own work. You have to have a team that helps prepare you for this work and I’m so thankful I had so many incredible mentors. 

In my personal journey I also wanted to dive further into DIvine Femimine Studies as well as Feminine Embodiment and Hieros Gamos. Working with primarily women I wanted to deepen my integrity in this area as well before I started speaking about the integrated feminine and helping women with the endless archetypes we run through every day. From partner, to mother, to daughter, to sister, to friend it can be challenging for women to integrate her range. I coached with Rachel Rossito for 6 months in the area of Feminine Embodiment.

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What came next...

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All of the above studies are what have led me here …to create these programs…to you. To have integrated the techniques needed for the mental body, emotional body, physical body, and energetic body to be able to share these alchemic programs that truly healed my soul. 


I live in Marin County now in Novato and continue to have 1:1 clients, teach Breathwork and Sound Events all over, and have my usual coaching clients and programs all over the world through zoom. Most recently I have been moving in the area of speaking again. I have spoken for many conferences, events, online summits, podcasts, to corporations. My next talk will be with Meta in the area of “ Emotional Resilience in Uncertain Times”  There's nothing I love more than being able to share my journey of healing with you all and what's helped me and see beautiful faces light up with hope because they can see Healing is Possible!!! Thank you for wanting to know a bit more about me and I hope to work with you in some capacity very soon!! Heres a bit more of my certifications and trainings below.

I also did a 4 month Earth Priestess Arts training with Anna Maria Magdalena  which enriched my life in so many ways. I stay dedicated to my work with relational dynamics, polarity, and healthy relating with teachers such as Krista Petty Raimer and John Wineland and many more. I also have studied briefly in the area of tantra and alchemical work with the Goddess.  I take my own consciousness journey very seriously, my most recent mentor is Dr Stepahnie Bridwell and can't wait to see all the magic that unfolds. My most recent education endeavor is with Soma Mystica and Siqourney Weldon, an Esoteric Trauma Mystery School, which focuses on blending the neuroscience and neurophysiology of trauma with ancient practices of our subtle body energetic field and esoteric anatomy. I will forever be a student of consciousness and the body, it is a life long endeavor for me.

My Credentials

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  • Trauma Coach

  • Shamanic Ceremony Facilitator ( 9 month program )

  • Breathwork Faciltator

  • Reiki Master

  • Quantum Energy Healer

  • Yoga Teacher ( Hot and Non Heated ) 

  • Meditation Teacher

  • Childrens Yoga Instructor

  • YogaED Children's Instructor ( Academic )

  • 2 years of Yoga Therapy Healing  Sciences at LMU

  • Trauma Informed Yoga Training and Youth Educator

  • Trained in Bodywork, Soft Tissue Assessment, and Fascial Release

  • Pranayama Training

  • Violence Prevention Specialist ( Non Profit work with underserved communities teaching consent and healthy relationships, power and control ) 

  • Voices over Violence ( Certification to speak with POV non profit in the community about personal experiences with sexual assault and grow awareness with demographics facing interpersonal violence

Awards/ Past Board and Org appointments:
  • Certificate of Congressional Recognition for Womens Health Coalition Speaking 

  • International Womens Day Gutsy Gal Award Finalist 2012 ( Past winners Kathy Ireland ) 

  • Finalist for Spirit of Entrepreneurship Awards Health and Fitness Category

  • Best of Outdoor Fitness in Santa Barbara for 2006 and 2007 

  • Global Physique recognition of International Service award

  • Nawbo Founding Member

  • Junior League Board

  • Board of Santa Barbara Young Professionals

  • Stacey has been a frequent speaker on health and wellness for the American Heart Association, Womens Health Coalition, and various hospitals. She's spoken for womens events and conferences and various corporations, digital agencies, and most recently for the Women of Meta.

  • She has been on many podcasts and online summits discussing women's relationship with their body, trauma, healing themselves, and how to heal the relationship with the masculine after assault. In the corporate world another topic she speaks on is with so much changing how do women manage having so many roles and not lose themselves in the process.

  • Stacey has been a published writer in Santa Barbara Fitness and Coastal Women and has been featured in Shape Magazine, Santa Barbara Magazine, Iron Man Magazine, Santa Barbara News Press, Daily Sound, and more.

  • Stacey has led inspirational workouts to thousands at National Conferences for world renowned motivational speaker Jack Canfield ( Chicken Soup for the Soul and Success Principles ) as well as the Barbara Ireland Cancer Walk, and Cancer Institute of Santa Barbara.

  • Her company was involved in many philanthropic endeavors including a Fashion Show Benefit to support the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer as well as another Benefit for NEDA which is the National Eating Disorder Association. Stacey wholeheartedly believes in giving back to organizations that keep us healthy and thriving.

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